Tuesday, August 2, 2011

* That's Maturity *

Praying for those who love you, that’s sincerity. Praying for those who hurt you, that’s maturity.

I keep reminding myself about the second sentence. Yes, as human, we've been hurt, it's inevitable. But that's not a valid reason for us to hurt them back. Make du'a. It will soothe your heart. And some people say, a tips to heal your pain, is by forgiving the person who caused it.

In verse 85, surah al-hijr, Allah said:

So overlook (any human faults) with gracious forgiveness.

Syeikh 'Abdurrahman as-Sa'diy has given a beautiful tafsir to the phrase as sofhu al jamil (gracious forgiveness). He said:

It is a forgiveness which doesn't contain the intention of hurting others, instead it pays the ill-offending deed with charity, and the mistakes with mercy. In fact, this forgiveness is given for the sake of getting countless rewards from Allah.

Wanna share here (i think it is related with the above issue) about one Malay quote from an Indonesian preacher Aa Gym:

"Mengapa kita harus merasa terluka dan marah kepada orang yang menghina kita, padahal mereka sedang mempertontonkan kehinaan diri mereka sendiri?"



Kacang Manis said...

hoho. this post really make me 'toing!'

sbb ayat 'praying for those who hurt u is maturity'

thank u for making me realise another important thing!

Sajida said...

saya pun toing jugak bila first time baca quote ni. huhu. bukan senang nak lapangkan dada utk doakan org yg pernah sakiti kita. ewah. ayat macam org frust pulak. =p