I was unpacking my stuffs –most of them are books and notes- which since forever had been left at my big brother’s home. Now that I have them back in my hand, I’ll treasure them first before arranging them in a more proper place. All of these stuffs had brought me back to the good old days of my student life. I read my notes, scanned my assignments, and skimmed my courses’ materials. Reminiscing those days had given me too much beautiful feelings as I can still visualize each and every day of those nostalgic memories in front of my eyes, particularly because they keep lingering in my mind and never bother to leave.
There, there… I have to stop pouring my feelings about yesterday. Cherishing memories once in a while is actually a healthy activity for me, as it helps me to smile whenever I forget to. :) Ever heard of this saying? Past is definitely a good place to visit, but a bad idea to stay. Or some sort like that. Yes, and as for me, I visit my past often but I don’t let myself stuck there, because if I do, I’ll end up doing nothing.
Well this entry is written intentionally to share with readers out there about al-khamr. I am not sure the exact term for it in English; alcohol? Wine? Liquor? Carlsberg? Whatever it is, you get me, right? So basically I got the idea to write about it after I reread my al-I’jaz fi al-Sunnah notes. If I am not mistaken, this is the fourth time I’m sharing ideas about this remarkable subject in my blog. Remember these entries: Di Situ Keajaibannya, O3 and Please Take Your Seat? They were written based on what I have learned during lectures, or I can simply say that I just rewrite my notes here, except it is in non-Arabic version (because I studied it in Arabic Language) plus some craps by me.
So the title for this ‘note’ is: Al-khamr (I’ll just use this term) is a disease, not a cure. It is based on one hadith recorded by Imam Muslim.
It is reported that Thariq bin Suwayd al-Ja’fiy asked Rasulullah sollallahu alaihi wasallam about al-khamr (whether he is allowed to consume it or not) and the prophet forbade him to do so. Thariq explained that it is made purposively as medicine, so the Prophet replied: Indeed, it (al-khamr) is a disease, not a cure. (Sahih Muslim, Kitab al-Ashribah, hadith no. 1983).
Many years ago, it is believed that the effect of drinking al-khamr is merely a temporary mind-lost, together with some consequences on the economy and society. And in fact, till few years decade before today, many still assume that in certain cases, al-khamr can offer health benefits. However, after thorough studies on this issue were done, it is discovered that what the prophet sollallahu alaihi wasallam had told us thousand years ago is proved to be an established fact: al-khamr is undoubtedly a disease.
Here’s the list of what al-khamr can do to the bodies of those consuming it:
1. Al-khamr will abort the functions of the heart muscles, which means, the activity of blood-pumping will decrease, and on the other hand, the heart beat will increase. Apart from that, the systolic pressure of the heart will turn very high and finally it produces a hazardous outcome: dilatation of the blood vessels. When this thing happens, the person who suffers from it will get a false sense of warmth, which in reality his body is losing the amount of warmth it needs, resulting in the disturbance of thermoregulatory center. In a simple word, it can cause death. (Especially in the cold regions).
2. Constriction of blood vessels in the brain, which will cause a low blood flow thus preventing certain brain cells from receiving enough oxygen. This condition will lead to death, as well as stroke.
3. Increment of harmful fats which can cause blood clots.
4. Addiction to al-khamr will give a chronic gastritis.
5. The liver also will be affected, especially to those addicted to drinking al-khamr. Among the diseases they may get is cirrhosis.
6. Sometimes consuming al-khamr can boost the sexual desire, however in reality, it will only reduce the sexual ability.
7. As for pregnant mothers, drinking al-khamr will cause congenital malformations of the fetus, e.g.: stopping the growth of the brain, which will decrease the intelligence of the baby.
Terrifying, isn’t it? All of the above statements are enough to prove that al-khamr IS a disease, not a cure! And of course it shows that indeed what the Prophet sollallahu alaihi wasallam had told us is an ultimate truth. Not even a single word which comes from him contains lie because whatever he says, it is a revelation from Allah ‘azza wa jalla.
p.s.: Should any of medical students (or doctors) read this entry, please excuse my bad usage of the medical terms. It’s not easy to translate them,I just asked Google without confirming whether Google gives me the right answer or not.
not at all! hehe. the term is all correct n the information also reliable! great effort of correlating it!
omg btol ada doctor yg baca! huhu.. thanks for ur kind words. :)
actually kan kak, saya blom doktor lagi la. on da way hihi.
by the way, saya nak tny.
org yg bukan islam boleh kah masuk area kubur org islam n masjid?
eheh. kira doctor la tu. inshaAllah.
em, tentang soalan yg kafir masuk masjid tu, bleh baca sini:
yg kafir pergi kubur muslim, saya tak tahu. masih mencari jawapan, nanti dah jumpa saya letak sini k. insha allah.
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