Monday, April 13, 2009

* The Simpler The Better? *

New symbols in the world of instant messaging.

Found this eye-catching info when I did my soca’s revision last week. Just intending to share. Not encouraging nor prohibiting. :) 

:’-D laughing so hard I cried

:-( I am sad

:-() I am shocked

:-) I am smiling

:-)8 I am smiling and wearing a bow tie

:-O Wow!

:-X My lips are sealed

-: ( Somebody cuts my hair into a Mohawk! 

AFAIK As far as I know

AWHFY Are we having fun yet?

B4 Before

BBL Be back later!

B4N Bye for now!

BCNU Be seeing you!

GAL Get a life!

GMTA Great minds think alike

Gr8 Great!

HAGN Have a good night.

J4F Just for fun

KC Keep cool

L8r Later

LTNC Long time no see

MYOB Mind your own business

PCM Please call me

QPSA? Que pasa? (Why)

2g4u Too good for you

2L8 Too late

(John J. Macionis, 11th ed. p 65.)

It’s funny to think how language develops as far as what we have today. According to what I’ve learnt in Intro to Sociology subject, language does shape our perceptions and the reality of society. It was proven by Sapir- Whorf hypothesis. As example, the aborigines back then in Australia, they do have more than 10 words to describe sand; and also the Eskimo, they are describing snow in more than 10 words! It happens that way due to their places of settlement and background living. For us, sand is sand and snow is snow and that’s it. :) Indeed, words are constantly changing and evolving to suit the people in the particular of time. 

Wanna know what’s the one word that we Malays have to describe one thing??? Perhaps there are many, however the one that Madam had figured out is the word for carry. In Malay, the words which mean carry are as follows: Bawa, pikul, kelek, galas, junjung, usung, and so on and so forth which we might unaware about them. What does this variety of words mean? Madam said, maybe Malays, in the olden days traveled a lot and thus carrying lots of things with them… How far this statement can be true? Wallahua’lam. Go and dig the past. 

Regarding the symbols given above, what can we opine about our today’s world? Hurmm.. I might say that nowadays, people [especially those who had go through the process of urbanization :)] prefer simplicity and are living in the world of rapidity. Or maybe the simpler forms of words indicate that people are getting more penny-pinching (thrifty) or creative or…. lazy? Figure it by yourselves. Nobody’s theory is wrong; plus nobody’s assumption is 100 % true. :) 

p.s. OMG (Another new symbol, means Oh My God!), how could I ever think to spend time writing this entry while I have 2 more exams in a row beginning tomorrow??!!! 


Fleur Vinca said...

but still,
i can't figure out what's LMAO means..

wanie sk said...

yeah..the world has gone simpler this days till i feel like i'm one of the 'paleolitician' coz some of the short forms are not understood..[rofl]

eiii...nyesal2 tak ambik SOCA..u made it sound so interesting..ngee~


Sajida said...

pasal LMAO tu, i did 'ask' pakcik google & banyak jawapannya. maybe awak bleh cuba tanya jugak. :)

Sajida said...

ROFL- Rolling On the Floor Laughing eh?? heee...

wanie sk said...

VC= very clever..haha

Sajida said...


People Are Free To Form Their Own Symbols. :p

Anonymous said...


Sajida said...

YID. hehe... itu untuk jawapan kalau soalannya: Do You Miss Me Miss Sajidah? huk3

Anonymous said...


Sajida said...

hehe... tapi jawapannya tetap sama.. :)