Wednesday, October 10, 2012

* I Wear My Baby *


Two days in a row I got stuff that really make me happy. Alhamdulillah!

Yesterday I received this:

At first I didn't know who's the sender. It's a mysterious gift! The sender is awesomely generous, I posted somewhere that I want this cute button badge but it never crosses my mind that someone would be very kind to spend some money simply to make my day. Alhamdulillah. A little 'dream' came true. :D 

And today, this parcel safely reached my hand: 

What's that? Boba wrap? Google it. 

Well, a few weeks ago, a good friend of mine shared with me about babywearing. Beginning from that time, I started to read more and more about babywearing, mainly focusing on the benefits of it. Subhanallah I wish I knew about this before my baby was born! Now my baby is already 16 months old and I feel I've lost months of opportunity to offer the best care I could give her. (yes, it's a bit costly!)

A few pamphlets were included in that box, and one of them is explaining briefly about the benefits of babywearing. I'll just list down here the main points regarding carrying baby upright on the chest:

1. Mimics the environment of the womb.

2. Prevents ear infections and eases the symptom of GERD.

3. Regulates body temperature.

4. Enhances lactation, the prevalence, and the duration of breast-feeding.

5. Enhances growth/ weight gain.

6. Stabilizes heart rate.

7. Relieves stress reactions.

8. Provides longer periods of restful sleep.

9. Saves lives. 

As a result, carried babies:

1. Cry less! 

2. Are healthier! They gain weight faster, have better motor coordination, increased muscle tone, and sense of balance.

3. Get a better view of the world! Babies pushed in strollers only get to see the adult world at knee level.

4. Are independent and less clingy!

5. Sleep better!

6. Are happier! They feel loved and secured. 

All of the points given are actually attached with reference but I am too lazy to type 'em all here. Enough to know that these points are reliable facts. 

By the way, parents out there, when you decide to 'wear' or carry your infant, please choose the carrier which is not harmful. There are many products available but first, you need to make sure that you've made the best choice for the growth and development of your baby. 

Happy wearing your baby!!! :D

Saturday, October 6, 2012

* They Have Feelings Too *


Went to a bookshop with little D and found a series of books which really caught my attention. It is very rare to see toddlers' books to be revolved around such topics; about feelings.

All the books are written by Trace Moroney. You know, we tend to neglect the fact that little toddlers also have feelings and need to learn about them. Just simple sentences and explanations, but they are enough to teach the little kids about the feelings that they keep having.

I feel like buying them all but each book costs RM14.90 since they are board books. (Truth be told, honestly I wanna buy them for myself. haha)

Well, I didn't buy any, but I read most of them! And here are some pics of the pages which I'd like to share with readers. :)

(These books are in the series of: When I am Feeling ..... Sad, Happy, Kind, Loved, Jealous, Lonely, etc etc etc)

Excuse me for the bad quality of the pics. Click on the pic to enlarge.