Monday, December 27, 2010

* Beautiful Love *



For the first time I think of writing a bit about this here; yes, I am now 4months ++ pregnant. Allah gives me this beautiful blessing and I really pray that I’m not gonna make it worthless. I ask Allah to help me becoming a good mother, so that I can give the best to my children. And the best gift I can offer them is no other than the teachings of Islam itself.

However, a friend’s statement hurriedly flashes my mind. She said, being a solehah and loving mother to our kids is certainly not a very hard task to be accomplished, it’s merely because such character is an inborn to us- women. Indeed, a harder thing to be achieved (as a woman) is to become a very good wife.


Oh my God, it is very true! I am experiencing it and I know how much sacrifices I had to carry out in order to teach myself to be a solehah wife to my husband. Especially in this early days of marriage, when I had to accept that I have to share a life with someone I’ve never spent a living with before. And to think that I am to accept him for whoever he is and it is a must to me to help him creating this marriage as a path leading towards Jannah. I remember one beautiful quote regarding marriage:

A beautiful marriage consists of husband and wife helping each other to attain paradise.

Subhaanallah! And also, these two beautiful reminders will always stay in my mind:

(*) The true Muslim woman is always obedient to her husband, provided that no sin is involved. She is respectful towards him and is always eager to please him and make him happy. If he is poor, she does not complain about his being unable to spend much. She does not complain about her housework, because she remembers that many of the virtuous women in Islamic history set an example of patience, goodness and a positive attitude in serving their husbands and taking care of their homes despite the poverty and hardships they faced.

(*) The true Muslim woman devotes herself to taking care of her house and husband. She knows her husband’s rights over her, and how great they are, as was confirmed by the Prophet’s words:

“If I were to order anyone to prostrate to anyone else, I would have ordered women to prostrate to their husbands” [1]
---> these two reminders are taken from a writing by Dr. Muhammad ‘Ali Al-Hashimi, entitled The Ideal Muslimah and Her Husband, an excerpt from the Book “The Ideal Muslimah: The True Islâmic Personality of the Muslim Woman as Defined in the Qur’ân and Sunnah."

(Translated by Nasiruddin Al-Khattab and Revised by Ibrahim M. Kunna and Abu Aya Sulaiman Abdus-Sabur Copyright and published by the International Islâmic Publishing House (IIPH), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in 1999.)


Lately, I’ve been silently agitated with one phenomenon; spreading so-called ‘jokes’ portraying the crumbling of love after marriage. It can easily be found in this virtual world, in blogs, facebook, forums, etc, there will be somebody who’d love to post articles on that topic. I bet each one of us had read at least one of them. For example, a joke about how the husband is getting annoyed with his wife after many years of marriage, compared to his attitude towards her during their lovey-dovey time before they tied the knot.

It might happen in the reality, but to think that some people are making fun of the halal relationship, it somehow makes me sad. And in fact, such jokes will gradually make people feel afraid to enter the world of marriage. Some even say that marriage is the grave of love. Ouchhh! If you are a Muslim, please know that such idea is very hazardous, because it makes you wanna stay [like forever] in that relationship which normally leads to sins! Na’udzubillah.


As usual, Islam never leaves a matter of life without explaining on it or gives examples about it. And for marriage, we have our Prophet Shollallahu Alaihi Wasallam and his wives as the role model. The beautiful love between them is portrayed in many hadith. People might not know about this or not read much about this issue, and they end up establishing a marriage which is far from Islamic teachings.

By the way, I am not here to give lectures about marriage in Islamic perspective; instead I just wanna share some hadith regarding the love in the marriage shown by the Prophet Shollallahu Alaihi Wasallam and his spouses. I want people to know that Islam never forbids love between men and women; indeed, Islam values it and gives it an honorable and proper way to be expressed, which is through marriage. I want people to throw away the thinking that getting married stops you from giving & receiving love in a beautiful form. If you read these hadith, then you’ll surely aware that all the actions stated there can never be applied by those without marriage. But wait, before listing the hadith, I’ll put here one Quranic verse which is I think is very popular when marriage topic is discussed:

So, here are the hadiths:

1. Narrated by Aishah: “I applied perfume to Allah’s Messenger (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) with these two hands of mine when he entered ihram and when he concluded it, before he performed tawaf,” - and she spread her hands. [2]

2. “When Allah’s Messenger (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) was in i’tikaf, he inclined his head towards me and I combed his hair, and he did not enter the house except to answer the call of nature.” [3]

3. “I used to wash the Prophet’s head when I was menstruating.” [4]

4. “ Allah’s Messenger (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: ‘May Allah have mercy on the man who gets up at night to pray and wakes up his wife to pray, and if she refuses, he sprinkles water in her face. And may Allah have mercy on the woman who gets up at night to pray, and wakes her husband up to pray, and if he refuses, she sprinkles water in his face.” [5]

5. When Aisha (ra) would drink water from a cup, Prophet (sal Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) would place his lips at the same place where she had placed her lips, and drink from it. [6]

6. Narrated Aisha RA: The Prophet used to lean on my lap and recite Qur'an while I was in menses. [7]

How sweet, isn't it? Of course, Islam is beautiful. May we'll always refer to our two main sources (Quran & Sunnah) rather than glorifying others' cultures which sometimes are not in line with the Islamic teachings.



[1] A hasan sahih hadith, narrated by Tirmidhi, 2/314, in Abwab a-rida’, 10.
[2] Fath al-Bari, 3/585, Kitab al-Hajj, bab al-tibb.
[3] Sahih Muslim, 3/208, Kitab al-hayd, bab jawaz ghusl al-ha’id ra’as zawjiha wa tarjiluhu.
[4] Fath al-Bari, 1/403, Kitab al-hayd, bab mubashirah al-ha’id; Sahih Muslim, 3/209, Kitab al-hayd, bab jawaz ghusl al-ha’id ra’as zawjiha.
[5] Reported by Abu Dawud, 2/45, in Kitab al-salah: bab qiyam al-layl, and by al-Hakim 1/309, Kitab salah al-tatawwu’; he said that it is sahih according to the consitions of Muslim.
[6] Sahih Muslim.
[7] Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 6, Number 296.

* Kerana Kita Muslim *


Pagi ini ketika menonton MHI, satu 'cerita pendek' dari seorang ustaz membuat saya berfikir panjang tentang diri sendiri. Beliau bercerita tentang pengalamannya yang pernah ditanya oleh seorang lelaki warga Russia (bukan Muslim) tentang satu perkara. Mungkin lebih jelas jika saya tulis dalam bentuk dialog (menggunakan bahasa saya sendiri):

Lelaki Russia: Encik, bagaimana pendapat encik terhadap remaja di Russia sekarang?

Ustaz: Sejujurnya saya katakan, tahap sosial nya sangat menyedihkan.

Lelaki Russia: Kamu dari Malaysia, memang kamu bernasib baik, pasti muda mudi di sana tidak seperti di sini, di sana [Malaysia] kamu ada Islam. ISLAM YANG MENJADIKAN KAMU BAIK.

Nah, reaksi spontan dari beliau! Beragama Islam seharusnya menjadikan diri kita ini lebih baik. Andai kita ini mengaku Muslim, akan tetapi gagal mengubah diri agar kian hari menjadi lebih baik, maka ia adalah satu kesilapan, juga satu kerugian. Kerana nikmat Islam yang dikurniakan dalam hidup kita tidak kita hayati & amalkan sebagaimana yang sepatutnya.

Kerana itu, Allah berfirman:

Dan janganlah kamu merasa lemah dan janganlah kamu berdukacita (terhadap apa yang akan menimpa kamu), padahal kamulah orang-orang yang tertinggi (mengatasi musuh dengan mencapai kemenangan) jika kamu orang-orang yang sungguh-sungguh beriman.


* Yearning *


Sometimes my heart is yearning for the short moment in my life where i have no television and internet. I think the reason is very obvious.

Just saying.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

* Separate Me from my Sins *


Satu doa yang diajar oleh Rasulullah:

Monday, December 6, 2010

* Akhir *


Sekadar mencoret sedikit cetusan daripada apa yang saya tonton beberapa hari yang lepas. K.E.S yang membongkar semula kronologi jenayah Maznah Ismail atau lebih terkenal dengan nama Mona Fandey.

Bukan mahu bercerita panjang tentangnya kerana ia kisah popular. Namun, kata-kata pegawai agama penjara Kajang yang berkhidmat di situ ketika kewujudan Mona Fandey yang ingin saya nukilkan -dari segi makna- di sini. Kata Ustaz itu:

"Sebelum dia dijatuhkan hukuman gantung, saya tanya dia dah solat atau belum, dia jawab, sudah... Meski dia ke tali gantung, sekurang-kurangnya dia tahu bila dia akan mati, tidak seperti kita... Kerana itu, usahlah kita mengatakan bahawa diri kita ini lebih mulia daripada dia yang pernah melakukan jenayah. Pada pengakhiran hidupnya, hanya Allah yang Maha Tahu. Boleh jadi Allah menerima taubatnya dan dia bisa menjadi lebih baik daripada kita..."

Benar kata Ustaz. Allah itu Maha Pengampun. Dan kita juga sebagai manusia tidak pernah mengetahui rencana yang Allah takdirkan kepada seseorang manusia itu. Siapalah kita untuk menilai orang itu akan ke neraka, orang itu akan ke syurga. Yang menjadi keutamaan kita adalah memilih untuk beramal dengan amalan ahli syurga atau sebaliknya.

Dan satu perkara yang menakutkan, adalah apabila memikirkan bagaimanakah pengakhiran hidup kita. Sepanjang perjalanan, yang paling penting adalah pengakhirannya, kerana ia penentu destinasi kita di akhirat kelak. Namun, kita tidak diberitakan tentang tarikh terakhir kita bernafas di muka bumi ini, dikeranakan itu, sentiasa kita ini harus memperbaiki diri dan tetap di atas jalan kebaikan. Pengakhiran kita boleh jadi akan tiba sebentar lagi. Ya Allah, risaunya hati andainya diri ini bertemuMu dalam keadaan penuh dosa & noda...

Dalam potongan hadith ke 4 dari hadith 40, sabda Nabi Shollallahu Alaihi Wasallam:

[HR Bukhari no.3036 & Muslim no. 2643]

Sunday, December 5, 2010

* When Sins Are Dominating... *

"The number of Americans that make suicide attempts is greater than the number of those who die as a result of the five most deadly diseases combined." Dr. Dale Carnagie

So this is the first thing emerges on that arabic nasheed (free from music) video clip. Each word arranged in the lyrics is beautifully chosen (especially the Arabic version) so that they can enter very smoothly into our hearts and gradually slip into the minds hence the thinking, which revolves around our own selves and all the deeds done throughout the years of breathing.

Indeed people keep seeing their lives are getting narrow day by day for they feel that they are shouldering plenty of burdens. It’s even sadder when they can’t figure out the way to ward off from these encumbrances. Truthfully speaking, these burdens are actually the aftermaths of sins committed.

Again, another popping out thing in that video is explaining precisely what I am trying to say just now:

There is no doubt that people turn to suicide due to the anxiety that they face…

One of the main reasons for anxiety (explained by Islam) is because of the sins that one may commit; as one scholar said:

“Sins produce (more) sins until they dominate a person and he cannot escape from them…”

Well, I'll leave you for a while to indulge yourselves with these translated lyrics. Hopefully it can at least make you wander to your pass and recall what you’ve done and make a carving in your pretty little heart that you will never repeat the same sin and will always strive to be a good servant to your only Lord. Oh, and the same goes to me.

He asks about me (while I am unaware): “What is bothering you today?”

He expects me to give an answer. Indeed, nothing is wrong with me- except that a wound is cutting deep through my heart.

Your question has awakened my veiled heart. It (my heart) was tormented in my sleeplessness.

My concealed sins kept me away from sleep. And (my concealed sins) intensified the cracks of my heart.

While the Lord of the Throne is immersing me with His forgiveness, His caller is calling to the good outcome…

“O disobedient slaves of Allah, go and repent!”

But I keep insisting on my stubbornness!

Into the frightening darkness of the grave, where you will be forgotten by your most loved one.

(And) if you leave this world falling short in taqwa, then you indeed will be lacking in your supply (when you meet Allah)

Fill our days with istighfar for we are not warned about the exact time and date of our death. However Allah keeps reminding us that death IS coming and surely it does.

Say: "O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of God: for God forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. [Az Zumar: 53]

Thursday, December 2, 2010

* Andaian yang Berbahaya *


Bencana-bencana alam yang berlaku akhir-akhir ini seringkali menyebabkan luruhnya hati kita ketika melihat keadaan mereka yang menjadi mangsa. Allah Maha Berkuasa untuk mentakdirkan setiap yang berlaku. Hikmah di sebaliknya? Wallahua'lam. Yang pasti kita tidak boleh mengatakan sesuatu tentang Allah Ta'ala yang tidak benar-benar kita ketahui. Sebagai contoh, apabila sesuatu kaum atau bangsa ditimpa bencana, kita mula membuat pelbagai andaian antaranya, bencana itu diturunkan Allah kerana mereka itu berdosa, dan lain-lain lagi.

Sebenarnya terdapat satu ayat alQuran yang memberi peringatan kepada kita supaya berhati-hati apabila berbicara tentang Allah. Potongan ayat 33 dari surah al a'raf menerangkan bahawa antara perkara yang diharamkan oleh Allah ialah:


Ini termasuklah dengan meneka-neka apakah tujuan Allah setelah mendatangkan sesuatu bencana. Ayat alQuran dan hadith-hadith ada yang menerangkan antara hikmah sesuatu musibah itu berlaku.

Di sini saya sekadar ingin memetik secara ringkas beberapa sebab atau hikmah di sebalik sesuatu musibah, bala', atau bencana, daripada artikel Kapten Hafiz Firdaus yang bertajuk "Tuhan Islam Kejam?" (yang dimuatkan dalam buku beliau: Islam, Jantina, dan Seks terbitan Jahabersa, cetakan pertama 2009.)

Pertama: Sebagai Bukti Kasih Sayang Allah Kepada HambaNya.

[Hadith Riwayat al Tirmizi, no. 2396-2, dinilai hasan oleh al Albani dalam Shahih Sunan al Tirmizi]

Boleh jadi sesuatu musibah itu diturunkan kepada sesuatu kaum sebagai bukti kasih sayangNya, kerana melalui ujian itu Allah mengurniakan ganjaran pahala yang besar kepada hambaNya yang redha.

Kedua: Sebagai Meningkatkan Jati Diri Seorang Muslim

Melalui kesabaran di antara ujian kepada ujian, bertambah tinggilah jati diri orang yang mengalaminya.

Ketiga: Sebagai Balasan Kepada Orang Shalih Yang Tidak Melaksanakan Amar Ma'ruf dan Nahi Munkar

Keempat: Sebagai Penghapus Kesalahan

[Hadith Riwayat al Bukhari, Kitab al Maradh, no. 5641-5642]

Kelima: Sebagai Peringatan Kepada Yang Leka

Terhadap manusia yang leka apabila diberi kenikmatan berpanjangan, Allah Ta'ala telah menurunkan musibah dan bala' kepadanya agar dia kembali mengingatiNya.

Itulah beberapa dalil yang menerangkan beberapa hikmah di sebalik musibah (saya tidak menyenaraikan semua yang disebutkan oleh kapten). Semoga kita juga mengambil pengajaran dari setiap yang berlaku, dan antara yang perlu kita ingat, jangan kita memperkatakan tentang Allah yang kita sendiri tiada ilmu berkenaannya.

Sebagai penutup, satu hadith yang ingin saya kongsikan, hadith yang agak menggegarkan jiwa ketika membacanya.
Kerana itu, apabila diuji dengan kesusahan di dunia ini, usahlah bertanya: "Apa salah aku sampai diuji sebegini..." namun bersabarlah, dan yakinlah, Allah mengkehendaki kebaikan buat kita! InshaAllah.
