Sunday, July 11, 2010

* 24th-May's *

I’ll write as much as I could while the enthusiasm of writing exists. I apologize for being too slow in updating my blog, as well as for causing boredom to some readers for making them watching the same entries.

As I went through my little scribbling-notebook, I found out that there are still some kuliyyahs’ notes which haven’t got their turns to be shared here. So, as usual, I’ll just type here the same things I’ve jotted down in that book. Means, I’ll write them in the form of key points.

(VERY LATE) Report of Kuliyyah Riyadhus Salihin: (24th May 2010)

The best friend of yours is your own deeds. You know why? It is simply because they are the only friend which will follow you everywhere, even to the grave.

No compromise in term of practicing the sunnah of the Prophet Sollallahu ‘alaihi wasallam, since he had showed us the best way of living on this planet Earth. We want the best. Don’t we?

• There is no bird flying in the sky, except the Prophet Sollallahu ‘alaihi wasallam had taught us something about it. Means, the Prophet had taught us every single thing that we –as Muslims- should know. Precisely. None had been concealed. Even the manners of entering the toilet had been taught as well. It’s just the matter of you really bother to know or merely ignore.

Allah has completed the religion for us. Whenever you bring something new (in term of ibadah) into Islam (e.g.: new type of solat nawafil), it will be just like you are throwing one sunnah. Analogically, when you pour water into a cup (already) full of water, the water in it will surely splash out.

• One important concept to be kept in mind: Anything which is not part of Islam during the days of the Prophet Sollallahu ‘alaihi wasallam, it won’t be part of Islam today. So when you are saying certain acts (e.g.: flower bath) is part of Islamic teachings but they are actually not, you are definitely wrong. It is of paramount importance that you support your claims regarding Islam with dalil (proves) from alQuran & asSunnah.

If you are following the way of the Prophet Sollallahu ‘alaihi wasallam, you won’t find any troubles. Stop asking why we cannot do this and that, instead, immediately perform what has been told to you by the Quran or by the tongue of the Prophet Sollallahu ‘alaihi wasallam, because we are well aware that God’s commands are not to be questioned.

• Three pillars of worship: 1) alkhauf (the feeling of fear), 2) ar rojaa’ (placing hope in Allah ), 3) alhubb (love Allah). You know, if you fail to develop the love for Allah, it’s hard for you to worship Him in the perfect way. So let’s make sure that our hearts are full with the love to Allah.

• Our strong love towards Allah is one of the main encouraging-factors for us to keep chasing His jannah, and to try running away as far as we could from the actions which will drag us into the hellfire.

Only two choices to be made; whether you support the way of Allah (Islam) or the way of syaitan, there’s no in-between choice.

One fardhu prayer to another is a sin-remover.

Two questions will be asked: 1) ma dzaa ajabtumul mursalin @ what is your respond to the prophets (their teachings)? 2) ma dzaa kuntum ta’malun @ what deeds have you done (throughout your life)?

• Ask Allah to give us long age filled with good deeds. Not long age, but without being spent in accordance to His commands.

• One form of Istighfar recited by the Prophet Sollallahu ‘alaihi wasallam: Allahummaghfirli wa tub ‘alayya, innaka antattawwaabul ghafuuur.

The best one to complaint to is Allah Subhaanahu wa ta’ala.

• We want to return to Allah with no sins. So don’t complaint and throw laments when you face tests. The more test you are facing, the more sins you are reducing.



Ummu Abdillah said...

Assalamu'alaykum Sajidah!

Ummu Abdillah likes this :) Terima kasih kerana berkongsi. Perkongsian yang sangat bermanfaat.

Sajida said...

Waalaikumussalam. :)

Sama2. Doakan saya terus rajin untuk berkongsi ilmu yg bermanfaat..