Saturday, May 16, 2009

* A life of test *

It’s a life of test…

No doubt that among the reasons we were created by Allah ‘Azza wa Jalla is to be tested which of us are more ‘far above the ground’ in doing ‘amal salih. [al-mulk: 2] Time and again, over and over again, we are always unaware that the dates of our ‘examinations’ are already written somewhere beyond our sights. That’s one fearful thing, another thing is; being unaware of the examination dates often makes us failed to prepare and teach ourselves on how to deal with them.

However, it is to bear in mind that Allah already stated that those who declared themselves as Muslims will surely and unquestionably be tested. [al-ankabut: 2] Only that the level of tests or exams are vary, depending on the iman sealed in our hearts. The hardest challenges were tested on the prophets, and the second hardest tests will fall upon the solihin. [As told by Prophet shollallahu alaihi wasallam in an authentic hadith reported by Ibn Majah- bab al-sobru ‘alal balaa’].

With no dubiety at all, we Muslims are ought to make ourselves well prepared to face all life-challenges in accordance to Islamic teachings. One of the ways is, as what has been told by Rasulullah shollallahu alaihi wasallam [in a hadith reported by Imam Muslim –bab almukmin amruhu kulluhu khayr], that a Mukmin, whenever calamities fall upon him, he will straight away praise Allah and be patient [hamidallah wa sobaro], and each time he entered through a window of bliss, and being given the chance to stay in the home of easiness, he will immediately praise Allah and be grateful to Him [hamidallah wa syakara]. And indeed, every single thing which happens to a Mukmin is always the best thing ever happened.

However, it is not a sin for any mukmin to express the emotions experienced during their dismal and gloomy days, as long as it does not indicate that he is blaming Allah and thus feel thwarted with the fates destined. Assertively said, the only things which will surely be attached to the gloomy self are the dropped-down tears.

After all, this heart is really praying that the pearls which often gush down from the murky eyes will still place a firm belief in Allah and will not forget that: in this life, being tested does not mean Allah hates you. In fact, it is one of His ways to make your soul closer and closer to Him.

Allah loves me, you and us.

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